Nearly half year i din update my blog, and it seems tat nobody will come n visit my blog le, all my fans hilang le.haha... 2day suddenly hav the "mood" to update my blog mayb bcoz of i really have many things wan to tell n i feel very stress for my advance diploma life.
yup, i hav ady graduate for my diploma and nw i'm studying adv. diploma. next sunday(18th) will b my convo, actually i din invite frens attend my convo coz if they go jus to take photo wif me n do ntg. if u wan to come of course is good lah, welcome my lovely frens. if wan buy me a bouquet of flower oso can d. haha...
i duno tat i choose to further my adv. diploma is a right or wrong decision. i think for 3 weeks b4 i paid fees, actually i ady made decisions that i wan work coz on tat time something happened wif my family n i think tat nw is suitable time for me to go out work n earn money by myself. bt after influence, convince and persuade by my fren, i change my option n i choose to further my study. mayb coz of tis sem is going to organise an event, so i feel tat i should try, to noe the process hw to organise a succesful event. bt nw i regret d, i choose a wrong department which is exhibition, i hate it. we nid to do many things, only 4 ppls in charge one booth, all is handcraft that we do ourself, i'm not study graphic or fashion or watever shit design. i hate art, i hate handcraft a lot!!! haiz...feel very stress for this event. next week is mop event leh, hw i going to do tat? i stress. stress for event and also assignments.
i gt think that i wan to withdraw, stop my adv. diploma life, i regret that i make tis decisions, i regret that i choose exhibition this department. i cry b4 bcoz of too stress bt is too late, wat i can do nw is jus gambateh, hope our event will be succesful. Gambateh to my exhibition groupmate lo. so i nid helper, nid some frens to help us when the event.
And recently i very busy so i lost contact with my frens, no time to chat and contact with them.. wer my frens??i feel lonely... i nid frens, nid u all.^^
say bout happy things,
sure wan talk a bit bout my love.hehe...happy together with dear although sometime i very kecil hati, oways angry my dear bt i love u. appretiate wat u do for me.hehe...happy tat my dear giv me a "surprise" tat day. n oso thanks dear help me do some model for my booth. muacks...i really nt good in art.
then talk bout the movie, i watched le few movie recently, karateh kid, the legend of IP man n the 唐伯虎点秋香2. okok lo, nt bad bt i lik karateh kid the most, quite nice.
n i ady brought new hp, w705. very beautiful, finally i brought d. hehe...^^here are some pics that i took recently.sushi king wif yee..
sushi zanmai wif dear, very nice^^
frens, i'am fine and i will feel happy when i eat sushi...haha^^
that' all for my post 2day lo, will b update soon. :)
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Adv. diploma life, stress...
Posted by KuaN 1 comments
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